Tuesday 6 April 2010

Props and Costumes


Dog on leash





Hooded Youths:

We have chosen to dress our two "Hoodie" characters in a style stereotypically associated with young working-class males - hoodies. They were given tracksuit bottoms, baggy jeans, trainers, and hooded tops. When on camera, they are shown with their hoods up, slightly concealing their faces in an attempt to make themselves seem more mysterious and intimidating.


Dan is shown wearing a hooded leather jacket, and a checkered shirt. Whilst able to maintain an urban style typical of Londoners, he is also, by wearing a shirt, showing that he is more intelligent and thus suggesting he is of a higher 'rank' in the firm than the two friends in the pub

Pub Friends:
Both wear dark clothing to suggest a dark lifestyle and jackets with hoods to portray them as thugs but older than the typical hooded youth

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