Tuesday 6 April 2010

Progression To Final Product

First Draft:

We posted the video halfway through working on it on YouTube so that we could get some feedback on out filming techniques before we went on to add music, the monologue, etc.

Click HERE to see on YouTube

The majority of the feedback we got was very positive and some gave us good ideas on how to improve it

We also asked our audience to answer 3 questions:

1) Comment on quality of editing and filming?

2) The aim is to introduce the main character fully, how well do you feel that this aim has been achieved? What is your understanding of the character and his lifestyle?

3) Based on the footage you've seen how successfully does the clip portray a British film as opposed to an American film?

Here is some of the feedback we got:

Penultimate Draft:

Click HERE to see the video on YouTube

After a few changes here and there and adding the music, we uploaded the video onto YouTube again to get some more feedback from our target audience.
Here is just some of the feedback we got:

From the audience feedback we can gather that have a done good job so far but still need to improve on some aspects such as lengthening shots, etc.

Final Draft:

Click HERE to see the video in YouTube

From all the feedback we got, we came up with this final version. The vast majority of the feedback has been positive and the audience has noticed our changes that they suggested.
Here is some of the feedback we got:

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