Tuesday 6 April 2010

Progression To Final Product

First Draft:

We posted the video halfway through working on it on YouTube so that we could get some feedback on out filming techniques before we went on to add music, the monologue, etc.

Click HERE to see on YouTube

The majority of the feedback we got was very positive and some gave us good ideas on how to improve it

We also asked our audience to answer 3 questions:

1) Comment on quality of editing and filming?

2) The aim is to introduce the main character fully, how well do you feel that this aim has been achieved? What is your understanding of the character and his lifestyle?

3) Based on the footage you've seen how successfully does the clip portray a British film as opposed to an American film?

Here is some of the feedback we got:

Penultimate Draft:

Click HERE to see the video on YouTube

After a few changes here and there and adding the music, we uploaded the video onto YouTube again to get some more feedback from our target audience.
Here is just some of the feedback we got:

From the audience feedback we can gather that have a done good job so far but still need to improve on some aspects such as lengthening shots, etc.

Final Draft:

Click HERE to see the video in YouTube

From all the feedback we got, we came up with this final version. The vast majority of the feedback has been positive and the audience has noticed our changes that they suggested.
Here is some of the feedback we got:



Dan- Yasir Saleem

This actor was chosen for the specific role of Dan as we had wanted to challenge the traditional conventions of the stereo typical, white British 'thugs' seen in other Brit Grit films, while keeping to other conventions so as not to completely stray from the genre. Another important specification for the character of Dan , that this actor met, was that he must be aged 18+ in order for us to show him on screen with cigarettes and alcohol.

Hoodie 1- Luke Howarth

We used this actor as he was similar to Robbie Nichol (see Below) in that we had short hair, looking thuggish and wore a hoody with a chain, following many conventions.

Young Mum- Hannah Lenane

We chose for the character of the teenage mum to be played by Hannah Lenane as she met the stereo typical ideas that our audience will have of a young mum living on an estate (white, between the age of 16-17).

Hoodie 2/ Dan Friend 2- Robbie Nichol

This actor was ideal to play both the character of a hooded youth as well as an older thug friend of Dan's as we felt that his appearance is simplistic, making it easy for his look to be manipulated via costume to become different characters successfully. For example his shaved head can be associated with both an older man as well as a youth. Similarly to the specifications of the actor to play Dan, it was important that the actor playing the role of Dan's friends in the pub was 18+, once again this actor met this specification.

Dan Friend 1 - Jack Reynolds

We chose this actor because he fit the most important standards we needed - young and white. Also, we were aware that he was a good actor and could easily play any role that we gave him.

Props and Costumes


Dog on leash





Hooded Youths:

We have chosen to dress our two "Hoodie" characters in a style stereotypically associated with young working-class males - hoodies. They were given tracksuit bottoms, baggy jeans, trainers, and hooded tops. When on camera, they are shown with their hoods up, slightly concealing their faces in an attempt to make themselves seem more mysterious and intimidating.


Dan is shown wearing a hooded leather jacket, and a checkered shirt. Whilst able to maintain an urban style typical of Londoners, he is also, by wearing a shirt, showing that he is more intelligent and thus suggesting he is of a higher 'rank' in the firm than the two friends in the pub

Pub Friends:
Both wear dark clothing to suggest a dark lifestyle and jackets with hoods to portray them as thugs but older than the typical hooded youth

Thursday 18 March 2010


Click HERE to see the storyboard on YouTube

This is our Storyboard, we posted this on YouTube.com
so that people can rate and comment on our storyboard
and use the feedback to make our film better.

Thursday 4 March 2010

Email To Confirm Use Of Song

This is the email I sent to Columbia Records to ask permission to use the song Fast Fuse - Kasabian:

It reads:

Dear Sir or Madam

My name is Robbie Nichol
I am currently working on my Media Studies project in school and i was wondering if you could give me permission to use the song Fast Fuse by the band Kasabian in my film.
Thank you in advance for your time


We are still waiting for a reply to the email

Filming Locations

Council Estate Scene
Lambeth, Greater London SW12 0, UK
(near Balham)

Satellite View

Map View

Surrounding Area

View Larger Map


- The Five Bells: 68 - 70 Streatham High Road, London, SW16 1DA,Tel: 08721 077 077
- Duke of Cambridge: 7 Holmesdale Road, Croydon, CR0 2LR, United Kingdom‎ - 020 8665 6440

We have chosen to film the exterior of this pub in order to establish further information about the character and setting of the story as the surrounding area is very run-down, urban and working class -estates and council housing can be seen in the background. Also, on the front of the pub we can see an English flag, further establishing the location as well as informing audiences of the characters lifestyle as we can see the slogan 'Palace and Proud' on the front of the pub.


Filming On Location:

Football Match Dates

- Sunday 14th February 2010

Crystal Palace v Aston Villa. Kick-Off - 3.45pm

- Wednesday 17th February 2010

Crystal Palace v Reading. Kick-Off - 8.00pm

- Saturday 20th February 2010

Crystal Palace v Coventry City. Kick-Off 3.00pm

Council Estates:

- Crystal Palace

- Selhurst

- Thornton Heath

- Balham


- The Five Bells: 68 - 70 Streatham High Road, London, SW16 1DA

Tel: 08721 077 077

Free Periods


Yasir: Period 4, Hannah: Period 4, Robbie: Period 4 and 6, Luke: 3 and 6


Yasir: Period 5, Hannah: Period 5, Robbie: Period 1, 2 and 5, Luke: Period 3


Yasir: Period 5, Hannah: Period 5, Robbie: Period 3, Luke: Period 5


Yasir: Period 1 and 2, Hannah: Period 1 and 2, Robbie: Period 1, 2 and 4, Luke: None


Yasir: Period 3, Hannah: Period 3, Robbie: Period 3 and 5, Luke: Period 1 and 2


- Tripod and Camera