Monday 22 February 2010


Dan: How do you get your kicks? Some will choose the easy way out from the shitty existence we’ve imposed upon ourselves. Waking up everyday at 6.30 to get the tube with a load of cognoscenti bastards, and accept their place in the nostalgia of office life, take their orders from some big shot fucking cunt in a shirt and tie, make the instant coffee and fill their place in the endless line of scum, working for minimum wage –that they’ll only spunk away anyway on kebabs, booze and a 10 pack of Mayfair as they try to accept the lives they lead. After that go back to the 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, semi-detached shit hole in no-wheres-ville, complete with a loveless marriage that’s descending into a sexless, joyless routine of Iceland ready made microwavable dinners and Saturday night TV. All of which was settled for just so you don’t die alone. Fuck that for a laugh. I choose life. I choose football. In fact you can forget the fucking football, I choose the carnage that comes with it. Football doesn’t stem from violence, but the violence stems from football. The broken knuckles, chipped teeth, covered in claret –it comes from within. You either have it, or you fuck off.

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